The genocidal legacy of muscovy
muscovy is a colonial project and genocide has always been used to build the empire.
Spoiler: muscovy’s war against Ukraine is a genocidal war. Recently, the little bunker czar confirmed it again by issuing a decree stating that Ukrainans on occupied territories should be deported if they refused to accept muscovite citizenship.
The little person in the kremlin aims to change the composition of the populations in the occupied territories. Therefore, deportations of Ukrainans will be accompained by moving muscovites from other parts of the empire to the occupied territories. This is nothing new in muscovy or soviet history. Deportations, mass rapes, ethnic cleansing have been used frequently by the rulers in muscovy throughout history. Here’s a thread by Maksym Eristavi on htis going back to the 16th century.
The aim behind these genocidal practices has always been to change the compositon of the occupied territories. Deportations and killings have therefore been complemented by immigration to the new colonies by muscovites. In parts of the occupied territories, the majority of the populations have become muscovite or “ethnic russians” whatever that means.
Due to lack of data, in many countries or parts of the muscovy empire, it is difficult or impossible to analyse the changes of the demographic structure w.r.t ethnic goups over time. There are however demographic data for Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania which make it possible to show how Soviet/muscovy significantly changed the compositions of the populations in these countries.
The data is available on Wikipedia’s pages on demographics for the three countries, here is the page for Estonia. The pages for Estonia and Latvia contain data for more years than Lithuania. Nevertheless, comparisons of the ethnic compositions of the three countries’ populations before and at the end of the Soviet occupation can be made. Comparisons of the compositions in the 1920’s and 1989 show that shares of Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians in the total populations in their countries decrased by 26, 21, and 4 percentage units respectively. At the same time the muscovites’ shares in the total populations increased by 22, 24, and 7 percentage units in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania respectively.
The largest changes took place in Estonia and Latvia where decreases of very small increases of Estonians and Latvians between the 1920’s and 1989 took place at the same time as the number of russians increased dramatically in the two countries. In Estonia, from just above 90,000 in 1922 to 475,000 people in 1989, an increase by a factor of 5.2. In Latvia, from almot 200,000 to just above 700,000, an increase by a factor of 3.6. Both Estonians and Latvians decreased in absolute numbers during beginning of the Soviet occupation. Between 1922 and 1959, Estonians decreased by almost 80,000 people, or 8%. In Latvia, between 1925 and 1959, Latvians decreased by 56,000 people, or 4%.
The relative changes in Lithuania were smaller even though there was a larger increase in absolute number of russians between 1923 and 1989. The number of russians increased by a factor of 6.8 from 50,000 to almost 350,000 in 1989. Since the number of Lithuanians increased during the whole period, the share of Lithuanians did not decrease as much as in Estonia and Latvia.
During the occupations, a Sovietization of the three countries took place. During the first occupation, when Soviet still cooperated with the Nazis, the Soviets began their first wave of mass deportations. The June deportations took place from May 1940 to June 1941. Also, Belarus, Moldova and Poland were affected. The second wave took place between 1945-1949. All together, some 200,000 people were deported. More info here, here, here, and here.
And the soviets also killed a lot of people that were not deported. Quotas had to be filled so ordinary Estonians, Latvians, and Lithuanians were rounded up, packed into trucks and transported into forests, shot and thrown into mass graves.
People also died because of less violent causes of sovietization. Starvation, and diseases due to malnutrition caused by a useless economic system where collectivization played a central part.
This is repeated now by the little person who is hiding in his bunker in the kremlin. Ukrainans are killed, deported, or forced to renounce their Ukrainian citizenships to survive in the occupied areas. Ukrainian children are being brainwashed in the schools and youth organisations. This is genocide ordered by Hitler, aka putin.