Kvinnor för fred ljuger om Nato
Svar till "Vad tycker de tveksamma?" Insändare av Kvinnor för fred i Folkbladet.
Spoiler: This post is another reply to a another letter in two Swedish newspapers, Folkbladet and Hallandsposten, by the infamous pro-kremlin organisation Kvinnor för fred (KFF). My reply was published on Friday 8/1 here, and here. My reply was a rebuttal of their lies about NATO. They lied blatantly about NATO taking part in the Irag war and the Syrian war. I don’t know if they lied deliberately or if the claims about NATO in the Iraq and Syrian wars is merely a reflection of their ignorance. It is hard to tell with those old bats. You may have noticed that I’ve posted a lot about these old pro-kremlin women now. There will be more I guess. For two reasons. The first reason is that they seem to have launched a new campaign spreading lies in the media by getting their lies published. The second reason is that I am waiting for the decision by the Swedish Equality Authority. The authority is currently performing a review this organisation since it receives grants from the authority. Swedish taxpayers’ money. See this post for detals.
Anyway, an English version of my letter is provided after the Swedish text.
Source: Folkbladet and Henrik Montgomery/TT.
I sin insändare 26/7 påstår Kvinnor för freds företrädare, Ingalill Ek, att vi bara skulle få ta del av positiva budskap om Nato i media. Det är naturligtvis inte sant. Det finns gott om negativa budskap om Nato och även falska budskap om Nato.
Det senare står Ingalill Ek själv för i sin insändare. Hon påstår att Nato lämnat död och förintelse efter sig i Irak och Syrien. Men Nato har aldrig haft något uppdrag i vare sig Irak eller Syrien. Irak-kriget var i huvudsak ett amerikanskt krig där även Storbritannien deltog. Syrien-kriget är i huvudsak ett ryskt krig där ryskt flygvapen hjälper Assad att bomba skolor, sjukhus och flyktingläger.
Men Ingalill Ek behöver inte vara orolig. Hennes okunskap kan botas. Myndigheten för Skydd och Beredskap (MSB), planerar en informationskampanj om Nato inför vårt medlemskap. Den rekommenderas till Ingalill Ek och andra i Kvinnor för fred. Förhoppningsvis upphör de att sprida desinformation om Nato efter den.
English version
In her letter on 26/7, Women for Peace's representative, Ingalill Ek, claims that we only receive positive messages about NATO in the media. That is of course not true. There are plenty of negative messages about NATO and also false messages about NATO.
Ingalill Ek himself stands for the latter in her letter. She claims that NATO has left death and destruction behind in Iraq and Syria. But NATO never had a mission in either Iraq or Syria. The Iraq war was essentially an American war in which Britain also participated. The Syria war is essentially a Russian war where Russian air force helps Assad bomb schools, hospitals and refugee camps.
But Ingalill Ek need not worry. Her ignorance can be cured. The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), is planning an information campaign about NATO ahead of our membership. It is recommended to Ingalill Ek and others in Women for Peace. Hopefully they will stop spreading disinformation about NATO after that.