It is our fault!
We should have helped Ukraine in time. Now we must build an antifascist protective wall to protect our children and grandchildren.
This is the English version of my letter to newspapers. It was published in Eskilstunakuriren and Strengnäs Tidning 22 November. It was also published by Folkbladet 3 December with a better title, “We must build an anti-fascist protective wall.”.
More than a thousand days have passed since russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. A thousand days of terrorist bombings of energy plants, children's hospitals, nursing homes, maternity clinics and schools. A thousand days of executions of civilians, gang rapes, concentration camps, torture chambers, mass deportations and child abductions.
An antifascist protective wall.
This is our fault. If we in the West had supported Ukraine properly, the Kremlin would not have been able to carry out its genocide. Now we must be ashamed for the rest of our lives for our betrayal of the Ukrainian women, men and children who were subjected to the barbaric abuse of the russians. To avoid embarrassing our children and grandchildren, we must quickly ensure that the kremlin's ambitions to restore the russian Empire are stopped.
We must build an antifascist protective wall. The wall must have both defensive and offensive capabilities. The purchase of more Patriot robots is welcome as this system has proven to be effective against russian missiles. Equally welcome is the offensive drive with other countries to acquire long-range missiles to disable russian launch sites.
Our technological superiority is our best weapon against the fascists. Both Ukraine and Israel have demonstrated the inability of russian air defense systems. Also russian combat vehicles, tanks, airplanes and helicopters are inferior to those found in the West.
The growth of the russian economy is dependent on the prices of natural resources, while the growth of Western economies is due to technological developments. Our abilities to invent new goods and services that require less resources than before that creates our welfare.
We must make use of this by investing more in research and development of defense equipment. In order for these to be quickly tested and produced, we have to greatly simplify the regulatory systems that currently exist for the establishment of new manufacturing.
Today, it takes far too long to build new factories for weapons and ammunition. Permit checks are carried out for, among other things, energy management, emissions of various substances, waste management and noise levels. State authorities, county administrations and municipalities are involved in the granting of permits, which is complicated and extended through a referral system at various levels where opinions from other state authorities, municipalities, organizations and private individuals must be obtained.
Licensing must be simplified. But we don't have time for a new government committee to look into this, which will take several years. Therefore, for the time being, permits for the production of weapons and ammunition should be granted within one month unless it can be proven that the production has irreversible effects on the environment. russia and other aggressive dictatorships ignore the effects their factories have on the environment and people.